Get Token Info
Use this endpoint to retrieve detailed information about a specific token, such as its name, symbol, contract addresses, total supply, and more.
Example use cases:
- A developer wants to integrate a specific token into their platform and needs to retrieve its contract address.
- A user wants to check whether a token is legitimate before using it in a transaction.
- A researcher wants to study the market trends of a specific token.
import PulsarSDK from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
sdk.tokens.get_token_info_by_id('642e99a6bd977bf071cb53ed').then((token) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
token = sdk.tokens.get_token_info_by_id(token_id="642e99a6bd977bf071cb53ed")
Also available is: Get Token By Address And Chain
import PulsarSDK, { ChainKeys, TokenType } from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
sdk.tokens.get_token_info_by_address_and_chain(TokenType.ADDRESS, ChainKeys.TERRA2, 'YOUR TOKEN ADDRESS').then((res) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
from pulsar_sdk_py.enums import TokenType, ChainKeys
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
token = sdk.tokens.get_token_info_by_address_and_chain(
token_type=TokenType.ADDRESS, address="YOUR TOKEN ADDRESS", chain=ChainKeys.TERRA2
List Tokens
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of all tokens that are supported by a blockchain platform.
Example use cases:
- A user wants to explore the various tokens available on a chain.
- A developer wants to build a tool that supports all tokens on a specific blockchain.
import PulsarSDK, { ChainKeys, ListTokensOptions } from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
const options: ListTokensOptions = {
chains: [ChainKeys.TERRA2],
sdk.tokens.list_tokens(options).then((tokens) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
from pulsar_sdk_py.enums import ChainKeys
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
tokens = sdk.tokens.list_tokens(chains=[ChainKeys.TERRA2])
Get Token Timeseries
Use this endpoint to retrieve historical price data for a specific token over a specified time range.
Example use cases:
- A trader wants to analyze the price trends for a specific token over the past year to identify potential buying or selling opportunities.
- A researcher wants to study the historical performance of a specific token.
import PulsarSDK, { TierKeys } from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
sdk.tokens.get_token_timeseries('YOUR TOKEN ID', TierKeys.ONE_WEEK).then((timeseries) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
from pulsar_sdk_py.enums import TierKeys
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
timeseries = sdk.tokens.get_token_timeseries(token_id="YOUR TOKEN ID", tier_name=TierKeys.ONE_WEEK)