Usage Costs:

This route costs 1 credit.

List NFTs for a given collection id, optionally filtering by rarity score, rank, traits and sorting the result.


  • collection_id (str): The id of the collection to list the NFTs for.
  • rarity_score (str, optional): The minimum rarity score the NFTs should have.
  • rank_minumum (str, optional): The minimum rank the NFTs should have.
  • rank_maximum (str, optional): The maximum rank the NFTs should have.
  • traits (NFTTraitsFilter, optional): The traits to filter by.
  • sort_by (NFTItemSort, optional): The criteria to sort the NFTs by.
  • offset (int, optional): The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.
  • limit (int, optional): The maximum number of items to return in the result set.


The list of NFTs matching the given filters and sorted by the specified criteria.

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