List Collection Nfts
Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of NFTs for a given collection ID, with optional filtering and sorting options.
Example use cases:
- A collector wants to view all the NFTs in a specific collection, filtered by rarity and sorted by rank.
- A developer wants to build a tool that aggregates NFTs from various collections based on specific filters.
import PulsarSDK from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
const collectionId = 'TERRA2__terra16ds898j530kn4nnlc7xlj6hcxzqpcxxk4mj8gkcl3vswksu6s3zszs8kp2'
sdk.nfts.list_collection_nfts(collectionId).then((res) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
collection_nfts = sdk.nfts.list_collection_nfts(
Fetch Collection
Use this endpoint to retrieve information about a specific NFT collection.
Example use cases:
- A user wants to learn more about a specific NFT collection.
- A developer wants to programmatically retrieve information about a specific NFT collection.
import PulsarSDK from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
const collectionId = 'TERRA2__terra16ds898j530kn4nnlc7xlj6hcxzqpcxxk4mj8gkcl3vswksu6s3zszs8kp2'
sdk.nfts.fetch_collection(collectionId).then((res) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
collection = sdk.nfts.fetch_collection(
List Nfts
Use this endpoint to retrieve a paginated list of NFT collections matching specific criteria, such as name and chains, and sorted by a specified criteria.
Example use cases:
- A user wants to explore NFT collections matching certain criteria to inform their investment decisions.
- A developer wants to build a tool that retrieves NFT collections based on specific criteria.
import PulsarSDK, { ChainKeys, ListNFTsOptions } from 'pulsar_sdk_js'
const sdk = new PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
const options: ListNFTsOptions = {
chains: [ChainKeys.ETHEREUM],
sdk.nfts.list_nfts(options).then((nfts) => {
from pulsar_sdk_py import PulsarSDK
from pulsar_sdk_py.enums import ChainKeys
sdk = PulsarSDK(API_KEY)
collections = sdk.nfts.list_nfts(chains=[ChainKeys.TERRA2])